Our suggested ‘Best practice’ guide to using the Cricut Easy press from GM Crafts
We have provided the guidance below for you to use in combination with our many cut files, tutorials and blogs click here , including videos available on our You Tube channel The videos matching all of our blog tutorials are available on there, as well as exclusive demos, inspiration and more! Join us on Facebook , Instagram or Tiktok or send us an email to [email protected] we would love to hear from you!
- Use with the Cricut Easy press Mat (available on our website CLICK HERE ) or on a firm foam pad. Place this on a table, or worktop, or hard floor, DO NOT USE A IRONING BOARD This will ensure you have a nice flat and even surface to press onto. Use a mat that is larger than the heat plate of your Easy Press. You can use the largest mat with any Easy Press size, but you shouldn’t use the small Easy Press Mat with the medium or large Easy Press; doing so may prevent the application of even heat that is needed for successful transfers.
- Use around waist height, on a firm surface like a table, floor, worktop etc. An ironing board is not recommended, as these have an uneven surface and are not solid or sturdy enough to allow for gentle pressure.
- Before using the Easy Press, ensure that fabrics and other base materials are completely dry. Pre-press for 5-10 seconds to remove any moisture.
- Make sure your Easy press firmware is up to date, click here for how to do this.
To get even pressure
- Ensure no seams, poppers or zips will come into contact with the base plate of the Easy press. This will prevent good pressure being achieved and may result in your vinyl not adhering correctly or coming off in the wash. Either position the seams etc over the edge of the Easy press mat or pad the item out using pressing pillows. If you do not have these use firm foam or a folded piece of sheeting, an even pile facecloth, towel or tea towel etc (with the seams cut off) to create padding to go directly under the area where the vinyl is being applied. This will give you the flat surface area you need under the vinyl decal.
- Do not use it like an iron. Keep the Easy press in one place, pressing for the recommended time for the vinyl type you are pressing. If you are covering an area larger than the base plate, visually divide the image into smaller sections so the Easy Press can cover (it is okay if the Easy Press slightly overlaps on previously ironed-on sections). Cover with the Easy Press, press the Go button, and apply recommended pressure until the timer beeps. Then move the Easy Press to a new section and repeat until the heat has been applied to the entire design. When aligning adjacent sections of a large design, allow some of the liner to extend overexposed sections to avoid getting an imprint of the liner in the iron-on film that is being applied. When we say Liner we are referring to baking paper, parchment or silicone paper NOT TEFLON. see below.
Top tips
- If the vinyl is moved as it heats, the softened adhesive may cause the iron-on film to slip, leaving an outline of adhesive residue.
- If you have your pressure and temperature correct you only need to press just ONCE from the front, you do NOT need to turn it over and do a second press from the back, by doing this you risk overheating the vinyl and it will not adhere, or fall off in the wash.
Time, temperature and pressure are all extremely important factors when applying HTV, so do check all of these factors are correct for each vinyl you use.
Time – If your pressing time is too long or too short it will cause HTV to peel away from your garment. If all the conditions required are correctly met, you would only need to press once, extra repressing for a 2nd / 3rd time and or from Front and Back should NOT be required and doing this will cause issues with your HTV adhering and causing it to fail.
Temperature – There is no temperature setting that suits all vinyl. Please check our application guides on the website, https://www.gmcrafts.co.uk/product-guides-media/ to ensure you are pressing at the recommended temperature for the vinyl you are using. If you are using a domestic iron – most settings will be around the cotton setting (not quite the highest setting depending upon your iron) and have your steam function turned off. Do not press onto Granite or stone surfaces as these will absorb the heat from your iron.
Pressure – This issue is encountered more when using an iron or a Cricut Easy Press. The pressure is only regulated by how much pressure you manually apply using the above items during the application process. You need to be pushing down super hard, on a firm flat surface, with both hands and combined with the top half of your body weight, to imitate the same pressure that would be achieved with a regular heavy duty heat press. Your hands are likely to shake from the pressure needed.
Do not use an ironing board if pressing with an iron, this is just not a firm/strong enough surface to be able to apply the pressure and may result in the ironing board collapsing (this demonstrates the pressure you should be applying). If you are on a table for instance, the pressure being applied will be like you are trying to push your iron through the table itself and come out the other side!). Good surfaces to use will be a solid table, kitchen worktop or a hard floor.
Regular heat presses also have a knob that can be turned to either lessen or increase the pressure and can sometimes need adjusting depending on the item being pressed. Once the correct pressure is there, it is simply a case of bringing down the lid and closing the clamp.
What prevents a good pressure being applied?
If you do not have a firm flat surface you will not achieve the ideal pressing conditions. If you have clothing seams i.e. neckline, arm and side seams, bag seams, buttons, zippers, collars, bag handles etc, these are all sitting slightly higher than your HTV decal and will prevent the heated part of your press or iron from making it’s first point of contact with the vinyl. This commonly occurs on babies and small children’s clothing, bags, when using large heat presses.
To overcome this problem you can either purchase or make your own Teflon pressing pillows, use some squares of felt, pieces of firm dense foam or cut down some tea-towels into assorted sizes (with seams cut off). Use these and place directly underneath the area as padding where your HTV design is, thus raising the vinyl decal a few mm’s higher than the seams are. Make sure this padding is nice and flat. By doing this, the heated surface of your press or iron will make contact with the HTV decal first instead of the seams and will be able to apply the firm pressure much better.
The ‘Peeling process’ once pressed there are 3 cooling conditions, cool, warm or hot peel. Be sure to check the Application guide for the vinyl you are using. Incorrectly peeled vinyl once pressed can ruin your design and cause the HTV to fail and likely come off in the laundry.
Waterproof clothing – A waterproof or fire retardant coating can be an issue when trying to apply HTV to it. It does not allow the vinyl to stick onto the fibres of the fabrics. It may be possible to remove some coatings by using some rubbing alcohol onto the area that you want to apply the design and leave this to completely dry. A pre-test is recommended.
Cover sheets
It is important to use a cover-sheet when preheating – always use one during preheating of light coloured garments; it is optional when preheating darker garments. A cover sheet needs to be larger than the surface area of the item / garment you are preheating and cover the entire Heat Press plate/Easy Press/Iron area. This will protect your garment from any accidental marks that may occur from something on the plate base (bit of vinyl / ink etc) from a previous application that could mark your garment.
Cover-sheets over your design when pressing – As HTV comes on it’s own carrier sheet, which is left in place until the pressing process has been completed, the carrier sheet can act as your cover-sheet as nothing is exposed in your design that would then stick to your platen or iron base, so additional cover is not necessarily required unless layering (read below). However, a cover-sheet covering the entire platen of your heat press / Easy press is a good idea and habit to get into when using white or light garments, to ensure no accidental marks are transferred onto your garment and ruining it.
Cover-sheets need to be used to protect heat sensitive fabric. There are a few options you can use as a cover sheet from tracing paper, silicone paper, grease proof paper, baking parchment, crafts parchment paper or a piece of cotton sheeting. These sheets are a good idea when heat pressing onto heat sensitive garments that can scorch or leave a temperature mark which appears as a deeper colour and often occurs on red and green materials. This deep colour will fade and disappear overnight and also when laundered. We do however recommend you do not use a Teflon sheet, Teflon sheets are a plastic type heat shield and non stick sheet that can be used in the oven repeatedly, and will deflect or reflect heat depending on thickness and weave, this gives an unpredictable result and can result in your vinyl not adhering or falling off in the wash.
Cover-sheets are necessary when applying multi layered designs, so you can protect the HTV layers that you have already pressed into place.
Cold Peel vinyl – always use a cover-sheet on ‘cold peel’ vinyl. This helps prevent a vacuum occurring during the cooling process. This will help prevent the HTV lifting from the garment before the HTV has had time to cool down to a cold peel state.
Cover-sheets for a different finish – Kraft Paper Cover Sheet v a Non-Stick Cover Sheet. If you re-press your finished transfer for just 2-3 seconds with a Kraft Paper sheet you will notice you will end up with more of a matt finish to the HTV.
Pressing – If your temperature, timings and pressure are all correct, your vinyl will adhere correctly first time with the recommended timings. There is no need to press both front and back, just on the front only is sufficient. You risk ‘overcooking’ the vinyl if you press more than once for the same amount of time. If it has not adhered after the recommended time, just give it only another 2-3 seconds, not the full time again (if using an Easy Press or iron make sure to press even harder during this extra time).
Let’s also disperse the ‘Old wives tale’ about seeing the weave while we are here. The weave or texture of the garment does NOT need to be visible in the HTV to indicate a good press and with some vinyl like Glitter / Flock it would be impossible due to the texture of those vinyls. Any visible adhesive lines showing around the edges, where you have squeezed the glue out indicates too much pressure has been applied and there is less adhesive under the vinyl for it to bond with your garment. This can be overcome by using slightly less pressure.
Ultra fine/thin sections of a design – these may not bond well to your garment. If a design is too thin there is simply not enough of an adhesive area for it to make a good bond with the material.
Is your press working properly? Sometimes the heating elements in a heat press will go bad causing it not to heat up to the temperature that you set it to. It could also have hot and cold spots throughout the platen (the plate that gets hot). Invest in a temperature gun or some testing strips to test the accuracy of the press.